There’s absolutely nothing wrong with using traditional social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to promote your brand. But if we’re being honest, traditional is boring. These 4 unexpected social media platforms will give your brand the advantage you have been waiting for.
Quora Starts a Conversation
Picture this: a professional site like LinkedIn but with the communication style of Facebook. That’s Quora! This business-based social network account empowers professionals to create profiles surrounding their expertise. As Quora communities are formed, questions and conversations relating to your professional field will be brought to light and enable your brand to establish credibility. Getting this general community engagement will help increase your brand awareness, simply by communicating about the things you’re most passionate about!
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Yelp Maintains Your Brand and Image
You don’t typically think of Yelp as a social media platform, do you? Well the truth is, this site is essentail to any and all businesses who rely on their customers to stay above water. With over 245 million monthly visitors, Yelp gives your business the chance to keep up your reputation by encouraging strong reviews and responding to negative ones. By doing this, you build organic transparency and trust between your business and your customers.
Pinterest Brings Attention to Your Brand
Despite what you might think, the platform is home to more than just millennial women and brides-to-be. Pinterest is a beneficial site for traditional businesses to stake their claim. By creating a business profile and adding your links (landing page, products, content marketing initiative, etc.) your account has the potential to expand your overall organic reach and increase traffic directly to your website. For best results, we recommend creating specially crafted boards about topics revolving around your business.
Redditors, or users of Reddit, are a particular community. Breaking the initial barrier can be tough, but once you’re through there’s no limiting your brand awareness on this platform. This wealth of information and insight is an ecosystem with its own language and culture. This site gives you an outlet for information sharing, blog posting, and most importantly, brand awareness.
Although you can’t ignore the social media powerhouses of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn, you also shouldn’t put all of your eggs in one crowded basket. Instead, try experimenting in the lesser-charted territories of these 4 platforms. You might find a whole new audience that your brand has been searching for.